Work Packages

WP1. Project establishment and kick-off meeting

The purpose of this Work Package is to ensure that the project has a comprehensive and authoritative finance and administrative manual, compliant and reviewed work plan, and clear, unambiguous expectations set for partners through standards and milestones.
The kick-off meeting focuses on collaborative project action planning (including all timelines, milestones, deadlines, deliverables, key target groups, summary strategies and key reporting points), giving opportunity for a ‘revise and re-set’.

WP2. Project management

This Work Package ensures correct and efficient project management, smooth implementation and attainment of the project objectives as well as successful achievement of expected results.
The main responsible of this WP is Folkuniversitetet, QSE-VET coordinator.

WP3. Awareness-raising on evidence based VET

The aim of this Work Package is awareness raising in order to identify and engage the participation of stakeholders identified in WP4 and in testing the elaborated guidelines produced through WP6.

Raising awareness of the ‘evidence-based’ issue will take place through consultation, interviews and participatory workshops. The guidance materials aim to draw attention both to areas where evidence is well established and to those where firm evidence is lacking. Five cross-cutting policy approaches will be drawn out, as follows:

  • Institutional frameworks for positive transition outcomes
  • Quality career guidance for successful transition
  • Inclusion of the employers in the process of designing and providing VET
  • Methods and style of teaching vocational subjects, and training of vocational trainers
  • Governments attention with regards support targeted to disadvantaged groups and financial incentives for employers

WP4. Study gaps in policy and implementation of evidence-based VET in European Union

Production of an in-depth study and gap analysis will focus on “evidenced based VET”. Paying special attention to how policy and implementation is reflecting the EQAVET indicators 5 and 6.

The study will focus on:

  • Occupational competence mapping with employers
  • Methods available for the inclusion of employers, an occupational competence map in VET curriculum, and methods used by VET providers to measure learners skills/competences
  • Key competences, as demanded by the labour market
  • Types of pedagogical approach used by VET providers concerning core and key competences, learning monitoring and follow-up
  • Methods available to measure relevance of work placements after VET completion
  • Available methods for learner follow-up after completion.

WP5. Draft guidelines and method statements

The WP5 will address following issues:

  • Description of evidence based VET and indicators
  • The existing institutional and policy framework of VET education
  • How evidence based VET is moving towards/influencing policy actions at European/national level and at providers level
  • Different methods and pathways to implement evidence based VET
  • Implementing and measuring quality indicators of evidence based quality assurance with focus on EQAVET indicator 5 and 6
  • Best practises from Europe and internationally

The guidelines on evidence based VET aim at:

  1. Recognising and building on both new and existing internal arrangements for moving towards evidence based VET
  2. Setting clear roles and responsibilities for different stakeholders in VET system
  3. Identifying what information and data should be collected and used based on evidence based VET
  4. Defining and implement a communication strategy for implementation of evidence based VET for policy makers and providers
  5. Providing operational indicators to ensure quality assurance covers all aspects of evidence based VET with focus on indicator 5 and 6 in EQAVET
  6. Ensuring VET is founded on a strong involvement of external and internal partners and relevant stakeholders.

WP6. Test and finalisation of guidelines

The drafted guidelines will be tested according to following:

  1. Test by provider: VET providers trained in evidence-based VET will test the guidelines with regards to a defined VET programme. The expected outcome of this test is to measure the relevance of the guidelines and the challenges the providers met in moving towards evidence based VET
  2. Review by employers’ organisation: with the aim of capturing a range of employers’ views about the VET programmes and how closely the VET programmes align to their skills needs and demands
  3. Review by VET authorities: to explore legislative and regulative challenges in moving towards evidence based VET. Partners will engage VET authorities in a dynamic workshop, presenting the guidelines produced and to offer training to key staff..
  4. Review by EQAVET National Reference Point (NRP): Each partner will present the guidelines for NRP. The expected outcome is to get feedback with regards to the process of including EQAVET in NQAVET and how the guidelines support that process
  5. Review by EQAVET expert group: Since the guidelines on evidence based education also focus on indicator 5 and 6 in EQAVET, a review by expert group will give valuable feedback on the elaborated operational indicators and measurement methods.

WP7. Quality Assurance

The aim of this Work Package is to ensure quality and promote excellence in all project related activities across the partnership for the duration of the project.

As QSE-VET is a project that is based on best-practice principles and empowerment in quality assurance in the operation of EQAVET, these principles and values will inform the approach to quality assurance in the project.

The purpose of the WP7 is to:

  • Review that not only have the targets, results and outputs been met, but to review the extent to which they have been met in qualitative terms
  • Allow the results to be improved based upon discussion, scrutiny and professional judgements made about the value and quality of the project outputs and results
  • Provide an iterative opportunity for feedback and reflection, providing a cycle of continuous improvement, during the lifetime of the project
  • Ensure that the input of all stakeholders are incorporated in this review process
  • Sustain the visibility of results in the phase of valorisation and dissemination, contributing to its multiplier effect
  • Encourage the sustainability of the partnership and the opportunity to generate multiplier effects and significant impacts.

WP8. Evaluation and Impact Assessment

The Work Package will comprise an independent, objective assessment of the impact of the QSE project. It will consist of a synthesis of the views and experiences of the partners in relation to the impact of project results, together with a series of critical observations and reflections from the external evaluator. It will provide an independent, external opportunity to reflect on the project impact as a whole and look back over its work, deliverables, lessons and achievement.

WP9. Dissemination and Exploitation

The aim of this Work Package is to broaden the knowledge of the project, its outputs and activities to key stakeholders across Europe, including VET-leaders, teaching staff, policy makers and practitioners, and to accompany the implementation Work Packages with specific exploitation activities.

The objectives of the WP are:

  • To ensure communication on the project’s activities on an on-going basis
  • To ensure dissemination of the project’s results and findings
  • To effectively engage the direct beneficiaries of the pilot actions and to stimulate them to interact for a proper measurement and evaluation of the experience
  • To guarantee the visibility of the co-financing of the European Union
  • To promote the programme and raise awareness on it
  • To produce communication materials for the promotional/recruiting events.